Favourite Cousins Regional Permaculture
There are some organizations offering regional services and you will find those here.
There might be hard lines on a map, but nature and community are not subject to those boundaries. We share the beautiful Acadian forest with out landlocked cousins and we should share knowledge and resources too. On this page you can learn about what is happening in Newfoundland, Quebec and Maine.
Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network
Events. Classifieds. Memberships, Training. Directory. Library
Web: https://www.acornorganic.org/
Popular Facebook groups (pages accessed Aug. 10, 2020 and may change over time)
Farming in the Maritimes - https://www.facebook.com/groups/342555082447509/
Maritime Farm Exchange (sharing resources)
Livestock Farmers from Newfoundland, the Maritimes and Canada
Permaculture, Sustainable Farming and Off-Grid Maritimes
FAWN - Farm Apprentices and Workers Network
Areas of Work: FAWN is a network of farm apprentices and workers across the Maritimes. Our goal is to support apprentices and workers throughout their farming experience as well as organize regular work parties/potlucks.
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1555073508087447/about/
Alison Dyer
Skills/services offered: PDC 2012 (Falls Brook, NB), M.Sc. (physical geography), Wilderness 1st Aid. Long-time organic farming advocate; (and former freelance journalist & environmental researcher); organic grower (have a small coastal property under 2 acres where I've been gradually building soil & beds, increasing biodiversity over past 20 yrs part-time) & forager; producer of a line of (locally foraged & organically farmed) herbal teas under the name Blue Heart Gardens. I'm a published poet, naturalist.
Interests: permaculture 'lifestyle', herbal medicine, food forests, natural bldg, soil building, small-scale/appropriate technologies, community development, climate adaptations, small livestock rearing, food preservation, reviving 'traditional/lost' arts (e.g. riddle fence building to tanning skins, darning to wool spinning, etc).
Facebook: @blueheartgardens @alisonkathryndyer
Foggy Food Forest
Social Media: on facebook @foggyfoodforest
Group Backyard Farming and Homesteading NL
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/633102216796004/
St. John's and Cornerbrook
Canada Academy - Greenhouse and Horticultural Programs
Web: https://www.academycanada.com/faculty-of-animal-care-and-nature/greenhouse-production/#
St. John’s
St. John’s Tool Library
Area of Work: Tool rentals through membership. Regular workshop offerings on a variety of topics (past sessions included sour dough bread making, sewing basics, installing a backsplash, brewing kombucha and installing hardwood flooring). You can check online to see if the item you need is available or when it is due back.
Areas of interest: You can find unexpected tools like: knitting needles, bakeware, picnic coolers, a gazebo tent, a light projector, an iron and ironing board, food mixer, food dehydrator and ratchet straps.
Visits: Come by 151 Empire Avenue. The entrance is on Bonaventure Ave.
Web: https://stjohnstoollibrary.myturn.com/library/
Phone: 754-8665
Province wide
Les Pages Vertes - Permaculture business directory
This comprehensive website will help you find many products and services.
Web: https://lespagesvertes.ca/entreprises/agriculture/permaculture/
Province wide
Eco Habitation Training Center
Area of work: Écohabitation has been the benchmark in healthy, ecological and sustainable buildings for more than 15 years. Our team has developed, over the years, a wide range of training courses to pass on our expertise to everyone.
Area of interest: Consulting on new builds and renovations. Renewable energy. Outdoor design. Workshops. Videos.
Web: https://www.ecohabitation.com/formations/
Jean Martin Fortier
The Market Gardener
Area of work: The Market Gardener is an impact-driven social enterprise whose mission is to inspire and empower people to multiply the number of small regenerative farms and promote an ecological agricultural transition all over the world.
Founded by the farmer, teacher and author Jean-Martin Fortier and Suleyka Montpetit, the company works in education, media and consulting.
We offer online programs to thousands of farmers from 56 countries, in-person workshops and training, produce and distribute digital media content, develop television and publishing projects and are establishing a team of consultants to work on landmark projects all over the world.
Free You Tube Talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hBUOdv2vn8&t=11s (North East Organic Farming Assoc. of Vermont)
Web: https://www.themarketgardener.com/
Montreal/ National/ International
P3 Permaculture
Area of work: P3 Designs, Shares and Grows ecological solutions. It offers the internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course both on a part-time and full-time basis, as well as workshops, talks and special events. It also provides consultation services that are site and budget specific, guiding you from the initial brainstorming to the full implementation of the project.
Graham and his team hold a yearly PDC, often in Quebec and sometimes at international locations. Other periodic workshops include introduction to permaculture, flood and drought management, sign up for updates.
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/P3Permaculture/
Web: https://www.p3permaculture.ca/
Quebec Permaculture Homestay
Accessed August 10, 2020, link may change
St. Anciet
Miracle Farm - Permaculture Orchard
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/Les-Fermes-Miracle-Farms-1511591055729111/
State wide
Areas of work: Greenhorns works to create a welcoming and hospitable culture for new entrants in sustainable agriculture. We have made films, radio, guidebooks, parties+trainings, almanacs, anthologies, song collections, exhibits, mixers, art-stunts and trans-media collaboratives that defy classification. We are a community powered studio dedicated to grassroots media, cultural programming and land repair for the benefit of the human and non-human worlds.
Areas of Interest: Our various programs and projects address the practical and social concerns of those in their first years farming, we emphasize restorative land-practices, skill-building, networking and dialogue.
Agrarian Trust’s mission is to support land access for the next generation of farmers. As our sister organization, Agrarian Trust supports and compliments our mutual effort to make farmland accessible and affordable to diverse beginning farmers across the country. See PAN calendar for loads of 2019 workshops.
Unity, Maine
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
Area of work: The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association is a broad-based community that educates about and advocates for organic agriculture, illuminating its interdependence with a healthy environment, local food production, and thriving communities.
Areas of Interest: Programs, education, certification support, Common Ground Agricultural Fair. Training covers many topics; orchard care, animal processing, coppicing, fencing, culinary skills, gardening, and much more!
Portland and State wide
The Resilience Hub
Area of work: Resilience: the ability to withstand and/or bounce back from shock or disruption.
The Resilience Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to regenerating land, growing healthy food, and building strong, resilient communities. We host and organize educational workshops, permaculture design courses, and Permablitz work parties in greater Portland and around the state of Maine.
Web: https://resiliencehub.org/
Presque Isle, Maine
Presque Isle Regional Career and Technical School
Area of work : Training in the trades including natural resources and agriculture and a farm education centre.
Web: https://presqueisle.mainecte.org/program/agriscience-natural-resources/
Food Work
Area of work: Connecting apprentices and job seekers to farm placements Canada-wide, includes permaculture and community development projects.